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When will we learn to put personal differences aside and deal with reality?
Is there any hope of our problems and challenges being faced in an objective and
unprejudiced manner? The answer is yes. The high road was found long ago by the
philosopher/mathematicians of ancient Greece. It was illuminated by the founding fathers
of the USA and it was walked upon by Abraham Lincoln. Today, it can hardly be seen.
We have forgotten how to discover truths that are independent of our hearts and minds.
Everything has become extremely partisan and a matter of beliefs and opinions.
We have fallen into the barbaric old ways in which

He that is not with me is against me (Luke 11:23)

People speak with passion and shake with anger. They talk about love and emotions,
but it is a dark form of love whose back side is hatred towards those who disagree
with them. In truth, it is not love at all. The paradox is that true love is impersonal.
It demands that one put personal differences aside.

There is much hand ringing and gnashing of teeth going on over the USA's year
2000 election. Could there possibly be a silver lining? Most definitely yes!
The time has come to rise above our differences. That's the mandate of the perfectly
split election. If the USA is not able to form a consensus among its not-so-different
political parties, then it no longer has any business being a peace broker in the more
profound splits abroad.

The tension in Arab and Israeli issues has come home. This is how reality works.
When we learn to resolve our differences at home, conflicts abroad will respond
to the healing balm. Slowly and surely, we will embrace each other on a unbiased high
way that respects, tolerates and manages differences. Up close, the storm clouds our vision.
We need to gather up our wits and transfigure a losing-seeming situation for Gore and Bush
into a win-win opportunity for all. Our children will thank the day we were given such a
wonderfully close election. They will thank it for forcing us to outgrow our partisan ways.
This is the silver lining. Be of good cheer.

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