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Magic without Magic 

At dawn, as I drove my kids to their school's bus stop, we happened to look
through the car's sunroof and saw a marvelous pattern of ice crystals etched
across the glass. It was an exquisite tiling of long and delicate feathers set at
perfect angles to one another. During the brief moment that we waited for the bus,
warmth from the car's interior melted the fine art completely away. It reminded me
of a Zen art board I had seen with a slate background, a well balanced brush with
long bristles and a simple cup of water. If one strokes the board without preconceptions,
without a plan, and simply enjoys feeling the brush's weight and slight resistance
against the slate, beautiful ribbon-like lines naturally appear. Regardless of  how one
strokes the slate, one's wrist and fingers automatically make slight twists and one's whole
body participates in modulating the pressure exerted on the slate. One gets natural
calligraphic curves with an elegant forceful expression without having forced anything!
After a few minutes, the water on the slate evaporates and one's artwork vanishes as
did the feathery ice crystals.

There is a lesson here in how we can create the appearance of something
being planned without planning anything, of there being forceswithout
forcing anything, of their being the appearance of laws with no lawgiver,
of magic without magic.  If we can learn how simple and elegant structures
can efficiently come into being without being centrally controlled, then maybe
we can begin to see how we might  better succeed in creating and sustaining
our own enterprises. We have lots of labor saving machines, but we really
haven't learned how to use them to accomplish our goals. Perhaps this is because our goals
or our methods are at odds with nature. We are pushing against the grain because we really
don't understand how the wonders of nature (or God or gods) are created and accomplished.
We tend to make our lives more complicated and difficult than is necessary for our
well being.

An ordinary insect is a prodigious marvel. How can such a tiny package
come into existence and do so much? How does it really fit in the
larger scheme of things? Can there be an Earth as we know it without
flies? I doubt it. Can a fly's existence be derived from something
simpler than a fly? And then that from something simpler still until
we derive almost everything from what seems like almost nothing?

In the levels ahead we will try to derive almost everything from almost nothing.
(The new levels have not yet been posted, but they are coming).
We will go to the origin of origins and with the eyes of Blake, “perceive the whole
in a grain of sand.” There will be some risk of losing sight of the forest and the beach
because of the trees and the grains of sand. So here's a preview of  the high stakes
and adventure. There is no fixed agenda here for passing on some particular big picture
concerning reality, God or whatever. However, what is written will impact most any
big picture that you do have. Learn and live. With the change of millennia our world
is at a strange emotional state. In 1999, we have had state school boards in Kansas,
Tennessee and even Colorado declare a  remarkable ignorance concerning Darwin's
theory of evolution. I recently came across a report from a "creationist" in which he
declares that there isn't remotely enough time for "evolution" to have occurred.
Unfortunately for his agenda, according to his flawed understanding of evolution and
blind chance, it would take millions of years for frost to form the wonderful pattern
I beheld this morning.  Does he want me to think that an angel sat on my sunroof and
doodled? Why not take a closer look at simple water and its interaction with different
boundaries? The frost pattern probably formed in less than an hour with blind chance
and no central planning whatsoever. It quietly disappeared and it can reform again
with slight variations just as surely as clouds briefly grace our skies every day.

Even if a few simple mathematical rules can describe inanimate matter, one might well
argue that these rules have no business in guiding human affairs. Science is for building
machines, religion is for building character, and never shall the twain meet. So you might
wish, but let's consider for a moment what it really takes to create an enduring and endearing
village. Communism, with its central government and five year plans, has failed. When the
USA stood it up and prevented it from plundering, it crumbled under its own stupidity.
All of the despots, dictators and self appointed priests of the world have fallen as soon as
their plundering has been put in check. None of these atheists or religious fanatics understood
how lasting order and wealth is created. They failed to perceive how the natural world is
ordered. They forced their own rules and plans and quickly wreaked havoc on their citizens
and their environment. They let science create their war machines and conveniences, but
refused to let science teach them how they might rule. The invisible Tao of nature was too
insubstantial for their egos, They instead created rooms full of rules and regulation, red tape
everywhere, and then asked us to pray for our salvation.

Well, the game is up. In a few more years the scientific basis of democracy, freedom,
separation of church and state, equal rights, free markets and minimal government
will be appreciated around the world more than ever before. After the year 2003,
we will laugh and say, "it never had to be so hard!" For now, we have to endure
a few more loony years in which people wait for their savior, or yet another ruling,
or a new alignment of the planets or a new football team! After all of the big schemes
have exhausted themselves, we will get back to the simple things that really work,
the magic without magic!

With all of the belief systems that have flourished through the ages, one might wonder
if it really matters what one believes. What harm can there be in a little belief in astrology
or in reductionism or in eternal life or in UFO's or in evolution? The answer is that any
belief can be very dangerous if it is supported with only a little knowledge. And when
different beliefs collide with no effort at finding a common understanding, entire
populations can suffer like a body seizing under conflicting drugs.

It was Alexander Pope who wrote in his Essay on Criticism in 1711:

A little learning is a dangerous thing,
drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring.
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

Today, with sound bites, channel surfing and so many opportunities,
demands and distractions, I don't know how anyone manages to drink deeply,
but drink deep we must the wisdom of the ages if there is to be peace and
intelligent life on this planet.

The lessons that I'll present have been brewing in my notebooks for
24 years. If you would like to add something to the pot or get an early
taste of what is to come, click on the wizard below and add your thoughts.
Criticism is welcomed!

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© Text & Structure of Magic without Magic  is Copyrighted 10/7/99.
The phrase "Magic without Magic" is from a book titled "Magic without Magic"
created in 1971 in honor of John A. Wheeler's 60th birthday. Wheeler's magic
lies in his ability to learn from others and present the most baffling areas of physics
to children with its magic intact. Wheeler has coined many phrases such as
"law without law", "mass without mass", "charge without charge", "it from bit"
and the noun "black hole". For explicit references to his magic, see the poetic
lines introducing each section of his masterwork Gravitation written with
Charles Misner & Kip Thorne.