Scroll down for 5 more views of the area. Click on a photo for a peek inside.

Scroll down for an eagle's-eye view of the location. Click on a photo for a peek inside.

The property is outlined in white along with addition cabins/garages in back. If your shop/business needs more space, ask about including
the additional structures reaching to the Mountain Avenue in back. Notice how close the home is to Grand Lake's popular beach and town square.
The wide front road in front of the property is Park Avenue. The boardwalk shops and restaurants are one block closer to the lake.
Grand Lake draws people in by the bus load and they typically board and deboard right by the property featured here. Scroll down for photos!

Scroll down to see another bus ....

Click on a photo to see inside the large home ~ and business possibility ~  right where tour buses park for visitors to walk to Grand Lake's beach.


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