Scroll down to see all nine outside photos on this page.

Scroll down for a closer view of the boat house. There are nine photos on this page.

Home comes with the boat slip inside the boat house on the left and also the dock (shaded in the afternoon). Scroll down
for a peek at the boat slip and also to see the fine view from the dock.

Scroll down to see the view from the dock and also to look back at the home from the water.

For more views taken from here in a single and dramatic afternoon, please see the video at the beginning of this presentation.
Scroll down to look back at the home from the water.

Scroll down to see the far side of the home and also to see the guest house that is included.

Scroll down to see the far left portion of the home as you walk up to it from its driveway.

Scroll down to turn around and see the guest house.

Scroll down to see how large the guest house looks from the driveway. Click on a photo to see inside the guest house.

Click on a photo to see the impressive gathering room of the guest house shown here.


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